International Trade and Impersonal Cooperation

Activities of Indonesian society with imported goods will be higher than if the goods had not imported by Indonesia . Similarly, the Indonesian people's creativity would be better channeled through a variety of imported goods . For example , you are reading or writing activities in this Kompasiana becomes easier to do because of the imported goods .

Import facilitates the Indonesian people through life . Without imported goods may your life will gain weight ( well not ya ? ) . In other words , imports have the potential to mensejahterkan Indonesian society . This is the purpose of importation .

What are the benefits of export ?

Do you ever feel the benefits of exports by Indonesia ? Maybe you are confused because you do not answer the exporter . Indeed eksportirlah who directly benefit from exports . As long as you are not the exporter then you will not feel the immediate benefit of Indonesia's export activities. But get Indonesia Indonesia imported goods that never export ? And he said, could not . So that you can import an item then there must be other people who do the export activity as a source of income .

Your life becomes much easier to bear because of the presence of imported goods and is facilitated by others who do export . Maybe at first you do not enjoy the benefits of direct export . Even if you do not know eksportinya , but you actually benefit from its presence. Exporters also get the convenience of imported goods for activity planning , production , control , packaging , marketing , distribution , and other logistical matters.

Can now be concluded that in fact benefit ( benefit) international trade lies in the import ? While the cost burden (cost ) of a sacrifice that must be borne by the state in order to perform activities are import export activities ? If yes , then is the benefit of imports and exports is cost . Imports are benefits , export is a burden. Yes not ya ? International trade is a form of cooperation ( cooperation) that involve various elements of society in the world . Even individuals who are involved in it do not know each other .

You buy and utilize Windows without you need to know before Bill Gates ( Microsoft and its employees ) and conversely they also do not need to know you . Even not know each other , but the activity of buying and selling Windows through international trade persist. Traffickers ( domestic or international ) can indeed do not know each other but they can work together for mutual benefit . You can benefit from Bill Gates , Bill Gates himself can also benefit from you . You do not need to know each other and work together to mutual benefit . Weird huh ?

This is a form of cooperation is called impersonal cooperation .

Everyone involved in the impersonal cooperation during his stay on earth and doing transaction . Therefore, each person brings benefits to society . As selfish as any person , he would still be helpful for the people as long as he acts as a seller or buyer . He just chose a minimalist path alone.

This beautiful paradigm . Ye ya think positive . :-)

Who told them to cooperate and mutually benefit each other ?

The answer lies in baton called the prices ( prices ) of goods and services . If the prices do not match then cooperation will not happen , and not happen anyway mutual benefit . These prices will give the command to the resources ( goods and services ) where they have to move to change places and move the hands ( ownership ) .

That's the magic of prices.

Do not disturb prices! This is the motto of the World Bank 's 70 year aimed at countries that are developing. Indeed, developing countries have a hobby that time disruptive prices through import taxes , export taxes and so on . If prices bullied then he will spoil and then will fade cooperation also benefits to society that originally emerged from the collaboration . Resource allocation so damaged .

This is the essence of the role of economics , explains how resource allocation occurs in the community . Of course economists will explain through Indonesian ( or any other language ) with the help of mathematical language in his mind .

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